Sharon May Davis Equine Therapy Masterclass – Brisbane 9th & 10th of July 2016
This exciting event is very much geared towards the hands-on bodywork practitioner who is using their skills regularly, either on clients’ horses or on a wide range of their own and friends’ horses. Through case study and lecture room learning, we will be looking at commonly identified issues, as well as the more unusual cases that are presented by the horses. This is a chance to learn how a bodyworker of Sharon’s standing and experience approaches some of the problems we all see, while also benefiting from her considerable knowledge of equine anatomy and pathologies. Instruction will include her approach stretching and traction – the traction in particular is…
Horse History & Client Record Form
This form is to be completed prior to your horses first appointment with Jacinda. Please complete and email to equine.p.r.s@gmail.com or have printed, ready to hand over at the time of your appointment. Thanks, Jacinda Horse History & Client Record Form 2016