A belated New Years Post
Wow, what a year 2015 was!
For me it was the year for learning, completing numerous courses that have shaped the practitioner I have now become in ways I never thought possible. I finally ‘connected’ the dots between the ‘scientific’ side of assessment and body work, with honing my ability to feel and let the tissue take me on a ‘journey’ to the root cause, allowing the possibility for re-tensioning and responses that I never thought possible.
Thank you to all my clients for all your support during 2015, I look forward to working with you all this year to develop happy, healthy horses J
2016 is shaping up to be an even more exciting one, with plans to amp up the rehabilitation side of EPRS, as well as offering a new service – ‘Postural Rehab lessons’ for those in the Western Suburbs of Brisbane and Ipswich areas (clinics available for locations outside of these areas) – more information to come soon!