Equine Injury Rehabilitation Therapy appointments

The Equine Injury Rehabilitation Program service is for cases involving a veterinary diagnosed acute or chronic injury.

With specialised skills in equine injury rehabilitation, we can assist throughout the entire rehabilitation process by:

1. Influencing the healing process using a variety of modalities to ensure a healthy inflammation process occurs, reduce pain mediators and stimulate correct regeneration and remodelling of the compromised tissue. In soft tissue and wound injuries, reduction in the development of scar tissue is also seen. Manual therapies are also utilised to prevent compensatory patterns from developing, ensuring that any secondary issues do not occur.
2. Breaking the rehabilitation process down into a step by step plan that is easy to follow and understand.
3. Providing you the required skills to bring your horse back into work post rehab to ensure that the injured area is strengthened gradually and appropriately, giving your horse the best chance of returning to work happy and healthy.
4. Supporting you every step of the way!

This program is individually tailored, so prices will vary after initial consultation based on individual requirements of the horse. Initial consultation includes:

  • Reviewing of diagnostic images/reports & discussing the case with your veterinarian.
  • Musculoskeletal assessment & rehabilitation therapy session.
  • A 4 week written rehab program outlining a daily, step by step plan to aid the healing process.