Equine Musculoskeletal therapy appointments
A holistic, whole horse approach, to your horses musculoskeletal health.
An equine musculoskeletal therapy appointment involves a full assessment of your horse looking at overall health, nutrition, posture, conformation and biomechanics (in hand, and if required under saddle).Palpation and range of motion tests are then performed to find any problems areas and restrictions your horse may have.
Next is the body work component of the session, in which a variety of techniques are incorporated to begin to address the noted restrictions/compensations.
With training in several modalities a combination of techniques are used such as:
Sports massage| Deep tissue mobilisation|Joint mobilisation & Articulation | Trigger & stress point therapy |Position Release | Laser and Microcurrent therapy | Acupuncture | Craniosacral therapy | Kinesio taping |stretches and remedial exercise recommendations
Additionally training methods may be examined and new techniques and exercises recommended to get your horses training back on track.